New Book: Defying Gravity

New Book: Defying Gravity

Your church is experiencing a pastoral transition and you’re unsettled about the potential changes that may be coming. But help is on the way! Defying Gravity will help bring unity and focus to your church, as well as mobilize your congregation behind positive momentum. This short 69-page book was written specifically for the normal people who volunteer, attend, lead, and call your church home. This resource will fortify your church by…

  • Helping your entire congregation understand the Biblical purpose for leadership transitions.
  • Giving your people a powerful 40-day prayer guide that provides a spiritual covering over everyone involved in the transition.
  • Protecting your church from the normal decreases in attendance, giving and engagement often associated with pastoral transitions.
  • Empowering your people by giving them practical things they can do to thrive in a pastoral transition.
  • Teaching your people to embrace biblical, healthy, and reasonable expectations.
  • Building a new faith and willingness to embrace this new season God has ordained.
  • Learning the why, how and benefits of supporting your new pastor.
  • Encouraging readers to make a one-year commitment to assist your church through the transition.

God is up to something new and getting ready to take your church to the next level of spiritual growth. Transition specialist Gene Roncone will help you be ready and prepared for what can be one of the most exciting seasons of spiritual growth you have ever experienced!

SMALL ORDERS: Order 1-30 paperback or Kindle editions can be ordered on Amazon click here.

LARGER ORDERS: Orders for over 30 copies or in bulk for your entire church by emailing Gene here.

# copies.      $ per copy         Total cost w/shipping

50                 $5.00                      $250.00

100               $4.96                      $496.00

250               $4.92                   $1,230.00

500               $4.88                   $2,440.00

750               $4.84                   $3,630.00

999               $4.80                   $4,795.20

CUSTOMIZED ORDERS: Any regional headquarters or local church can purchase copies that are customized with a special 230-word greeting. This would appear on the blank page after the title page and before the table of contents. Examples of what this might look like can be seen by clicking here. This requires a minimum order of 500 copies and can be priced by emailing Gene here

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6295 Lehman Dr, Suite 202

Colorado Springs CO 80918

© Copyright Gene Roncone, 2020

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